E-learning - Nairobi, Nairobi County, Kenya
Smart Revision System is an intelligent revision system oriented towards assisting the Kenyan learners pass the End of Term Examinations as early as from Class 5 and finally KCPE in Class 8. Currently it comprises Term (One, Two, Three) Exams for Class 5, 6, 7 & 8. In addition, the Class 8 revision content includes past county MOCK exams, KCPE Prediction Exams and KCPE exams.Preparation of learners to excel with exam-style questions and examiner revision notes plus comments. As a principle, practice makes perfect – allows learners prepare adequately for exams throughout their academic life. SmartRevision system is the BEST tool to roll out revision in school classes or at home, as well as, roll out exams nationally for educational government institutions and private schools. Comprises premium features that will catalyze learners towards excellence.
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