Computer Hardware - Enniscorthy, Wexford, Ireland
SmartSchools is a leading provider of ICT solutions to the Education Sector. Our team have many years experience tailoring service support agreements and solutions to schools and colleges nationwide.Our expertise in the Education space is built up over the last twenty years and this year we feel the time is right to provide a quality solution wholly dedicated to Education. Based on those years of experience as educators and ICT providers our expertise is solution driven rather than product aligned.Simply, we design our solutions around your needs, future proofing your investments where possible. We see Education moving to the cloud for more and more solutions and services as a 1:1 (1 device to 1 person) environment is gaining momentum. Similarly, we see though our colleagues in the UK & elsewhere that 1:1 is becoming 2:1 and 3:1 as more devices are allowed such as Smartphones etc. Therefore we are enabling schools with the correct infrastructure and services to deal with the demands that will be placed upon them.Our core Manufacturers include Microsoft, Ruckus Wireless, HP, Apple, Promethean, Smart, Epson and others as requirements evolve. We look forward to working with you in the future to enable your school to meet these challenges and demands. Whether you require consultancy to identify exactly where you are positioned, hardware or software to enable, services to implement and support or training to gel the solution SmartSchools is the brand to assist.
CSC Corporate Domains
Microsoft Office 365