Hospital & Health Care - Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland
Globally the number of people undergoing surgery and awaiting surgery is rising on a yearly basis with waiting lists expanding further due to the pandemic. Prolonged waiting lists are a health and economic burden on the Irish population. One report found it took patients 182 days to be seen for a hip replacement in Ireland. This is 50% above average for OECD nations. With the cumulative delays brought about by covid, some procedures have seen their waiting lists tripled. As a result, time has become a luxury that must be carefully managed. There is no longer room for time to be wasted between operations due to scheduling and communication difficulties between theatre and ward staff. Efficiency is essential. Smooth Op seeks to bring Operating Theatres out of the dark ages of printed schedules and into the 21st century via the use of a scheduling platform with real-time updates. Using St James's hospital as a test case, we've created an application that converts the current communication system, or lack thereof, into a streamlined flow to ensure more patients get to the operating table each day. We expect our secured electronic system to supersede the error prone paper scheduling and 'word of mouth' coordination.