Education Management - , ,
We bring local businesses/individuals in the community together to expose them to digital & tech skills and solutions. We started as a project in 2014 self-funded with £300, by Founder Deborah. Our aim then was to engage unemployed young people with in-demand technology and digital skills in the current economy demand. We deliver events, training and master-classes centred on both digital & tech skills in demand, the idea was to equip unemployed young people age 16-25 with the skills. From April to November 2014 we received and were inducted in the O2 & Telefonica (Think Big project) where we received further funds for exhibiting at Skills London 2014. After a number of research we have identified that SME's also struggle with tech & digital skills, and instead of equipping unemployed young people with skills for bigger corporations, we equip them with tools (skills) needed. SMT4Y is now a community/local platform targeted at individuals and SME's not equipped with digital and tech skill/solutions, we bring the two of them together with our events, master-classes, online publishing and digital & tech programme. In September we will be launching our online site which will only explore digital & tech content ranging from social media to cyber security from a small business perspective in the Bedfordshire & Luton area (at the first stage). Our vision is to localise content empowering individuals and businesses in the community to see how tech is impacting change and results in their proximity. The Way We Work – Services Tech & Digital Programme (Local Business) Master-Classes Online Publishing Events