Information Services - Berhampore, West Bengal, India
Launched in 2021, SOCIAL News began exposing Job, Internship , Current News.SOCIAL News is a community where students(alumni) from IITs,NITs and other state colleges(A,B,C,D) join together to develop and nurture students skills coming from all over India. Provide basic guidelines to new comers into Tech/ Non-Tech field for how and where to start their learning's. We are doing this by providing them valuable contents/video links etc and personal assistance if required along with this we conduct regular webinars by our industries personalities/mentors who map out the basic blueprint from their learning to placement.. '''''Everything is absolutely FREE''''''.Special attention is given to students to enhance their programming skills Like C/C++, Java, Python, etc.. help them in project management/Digital and provide them different internship links.II...We help each-other...II