Publishing - Lancaster, England, United Kingdom
SOCIALWORX EXPLAINS STUFF THAT are a social enterprise and community interest company (cic) having the aim of letting people know they are not alone with their difficulty: whether that be a learning difficulty, a physical or mental health issue, or a negative social environment. We feel that knowing you are not alone can give you enough hope to take control of your situation.Originally founded to produce animated videos for schools, the vision has grown to become a curated web portal of stories from around the world of what it is like to be different, what it is like to be you.This resource - - would benefit people searching for similar stories by helping them find communities, join in with the discussion, offer their own story and be part of the solution.We are still at an early stage, and still working on how to make this a sustainable venture. We imagine it could be rolled out through schools and government organisations, possibly through affordable subscription and/or corporate sponsorship.We'd love you to contact us if you would like to help move the vision forward.