Information Technology & Services - Tomsk, Tomsk Oblast, Russia
Specialization of the company is R&D projects in the field of software development, hardware prototyping and automated computing solutions design and creation for digital processing and transmission of big data. Key applications of our solutions are – video processing, video analysis, multimedia data compression and transmission, computer vision, IoT, blockchain.The most valuable company resource – is a team of strong programmers and skilled engineers. We also succeeded in creating a system for better adoption of intelligent people and creative work to strict projects requirements. The system also includes:• project and product management• tools for task management and control• services providing fast and secure data access.The company works in close co-operation with the Universities of Tomsk city, takes part in scientific and educational events. Together with TUSUR University we have created the «R&D-center of informational and technological solutions» («R&D-center of ITS») for scien-tific research and development. R&D-center has also became a ground for scientific research and experiments of post-graduates, who are often interested to continue close work with us.Having close relations with companies producing modern devices based on GPU, FPGA and mobile processors, we design and develop prototypes of different devices - from industrial to personal and mobile using the most innovative approaches and solutions. The devices we work on – are:1. Computing devices including hardware and software components for highly specialized problems and tasks2. Video filters and codecs with hardware acceleration and fully GPU-based acceleration3. Multi-sensor video cameras4. Hubs of blockchain data5. Controllers for automated robotic devices