Financial Services - N/A, N/A, US
Solid Mortgages wants to realize a healthy and sustainable housing market in the Netherlands. This is only possible if the interests between consumers, banks and investors are aligned with regard to the funding of mortgage loans. Solid Mortgages wants to achieve this by introducing a mortgage system based on the Danish model.Solid Mortgages currently works with VP Securities, the clearing and settlement agency of the Danish financial system, on the development of a platform that will facilitate the release on the Dutch market. This platform facilitates the entire process of advice, acceptance, origination and administration of the mortgage loans on one side, and the structuring, placement, reporting and repayment of the mortgage bonds on the other side. Solid Mortgages provides the entire infrastructure and is responsible for the execution of all supporting processes.Solid Mortgages is convinced that implementation of this system will bring great benefits to the Netherlands. Consumers will have access to affordable, safe and flexible mortgages. Banks get access to an alternative source of funding with a significantly lower risk profile. For investors a wide range of safe and liquid bonds will be made available. This balance will lead to a healthy and sustainable housing market in the Netherlands.