Management Consulting - Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany
"SinX" the "B&T Solutions-HUB Innovation Exchange" is the "P2P (Person to Person), Internet Facilitated, Business & Technology Platform" on which the "SInX WAY" is exercised for creating and sustaining "SInX Solutions". The "SInX Solutions" address the need of internationally diverse markets for the innovative use of available and validated business principles and technologies. The "SInX Solutions" are commercially sustainable, social acceptable and eco-friendly. Four core "SInX Communities", i.e. Partner Community (Providers of TSPPS), Member Community (Users of TSPPS), Multidisciplinary Subject Matter Experts Community (Provider of KnowHow and Experience) and Financial Service Community (Providers of Structured Finance), form the basis of self-sustaining and self expanding business entitles called "SInX Local Points of Presence" (SLPOP) accountable to a business head (SLPOP Head).