Design - Los Angeles, California, United States
SottoStudios Inc., established in 2004, is an experiential design and innovation studio that is frequently tapped to invent or revitalize products as multi sensory "experiences". There was a need to form a firm that went beyond one discipline and do it well. Senior Disney "Imagineer" Eddie Sotto, saw the need to break down those formal barriers of architecture, marketing, and design by combining them in a single shared process that delivers the "wow" seamlessly. This deconstructed process of working more holistically, along with using emotion as the core of a sensory driven "system of experience", led him to form his own studio to accomplish this. Trained in the Disney process born from film, Sotto treats each client as a "script" to be emotionally mined, distilling that "wow" that engages the consumer and then designing to deliver that deeper connection on every level. Sottostudios is comprised of a winning team of professionals that are "cast" to each unique assignment. We are a high focus, boutique firm that only takes on select assignments that we hope are "hard fun." Clients and brands include Disney, Microsoft, Ferrari, Aston Martin, etc.SottoStudios has many projects that are highly confidential and they must remain that way. Most of our workload ranges from brand development and product design to high end custom residential work, or proprietary technology development.
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