Medical Practice - Encinitas, California, United States
Source MD the private practice of Dr. Dave Larson, MD. Our team is passionate about assisting you to create breakthroughs in their health & wellbeing. We focus on the root cause of chronic illness while always maintaining focus on how to cultivate and promote vibrant health of the body and mind.The journey begins with the SourceMD Comprehensive Wellness Assessment, our premiere executive physical program, where clients will get personalized lifestyle recommendations that connect the dots between their genetic makeup, past medical history, current lifestyle habits, stress management strategies, engagement in meaningful work and relationships, and more. Recommendations include diet, supplements, strength and endurance training, posture and biomechanics, stress management, and daily habits.Other clients choose to join the SourceMD concierge medicine membership program, where they get continued 1 on 1 support and guidance from Dr. Larson and the SourceMD team.
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