Events Services - , ,
Do your interests differ from the norm?Think you'll go deaf from the loud club music? Not that much of a drinker, but enjoy a few from time-to-time? How about an open mic night, Karaoke, or a piano bar?Early technology adopter? We're the people you can brag to.Know a local artist or performer? We support the local scene.No one gets your movie and TV references? We will.Like going to midnight movies on opening night. Just say the word and we'll join you. Art museums? We may not know the history, but we can appreciate what we see.Don't like to dance? How about Dance Dance Revolution at Dave and Busters? Want to learn to dance? We'll get you lessons.Curious how things work? Off to the Museum of Science and Discovery.DVD collection been replaced by a home media server? Host an event to show it off.Miss the 80s? Two words: LASER TAGRole-playing? Hookups? Gamer? Try a different group.If you fall into any of those categories, you might be a closet Geek with Social Skills. Join us and help support the Society of Geek Advancement.