Entertainment - Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Two words: SOWETO and YOUTH.No two words in South Africa, mentioned in consecutive order, are heard without being consciously and emotionally evoked by the tragic yet courageous associations with the South African neighbourhood of Soweto and its Youth.The vibrancy, energy, deeply entrenched history and most of all, the perseverance, are just some of the key characteristics attached to Soweto. And, in 2020, it is these same characteristics that have become etched in the very fibre of the youth of South Africa and Soweto. Introduction and contextWho are we? We are the Soweto Youth Festival. The Soweto Youth Festival is an annual event with the overarching sustainable mission of empowering youth through a multitude of experiences; including: performances, discussions and engagements with some of South Africa's most talented creative artists, youth will also be presented with first-hand insights and guidance from inspiring South Africans, such as Castor Semenya, from sporting fraternities, specialists, entrepreneurs and financial gurus. We are not an organization, we are a group of like minded individuals that have consolidated our shared passion of empowering youth, through a method that disrupts traditional youth empowerment projects and with the ultimate aim of substantively growing our country.Our Team The coordinators and organisers that work towards the annual success of this event do so on a voluntary basis. We all work for free, plying our skillsets and dedicating our time towards ensuring that this is an exceptional and world-class event for the all participants involved.Our Scope & ObjectivesOur target focusses The Soweto Youth Festival is open to everyone. We espouse the South African value of Ubuntu and promote a diversity of interaction and engagement, regardless of race, class or colour.