Telecommunications - Guildford, England, United Kingdom
SpatialBuzz helps mobile operators engage with their customers to make their networks better. Nothing affects customer satisfaction more than the network, but it is an open secret that, every day, most people drop calls or experience slow data. Often a call centre is the only channel for two-way communication so it is probably no surprise that very few people report their problems. So, mobile operators end up with a network, box-centric, view of their business rather than a customer centric one.We give customers software tools so that they can let their mobile operator know how things are going. In return, mobile operators get a wonderful crowd sourced picture of real customer experience. There is also a two-way machine learning engagement engine so that customers can be kept in the picture as to when they should expect improvements and fixes to happen. For issue resolution the solution is able to collect handset radio measurements and interface with planning, fault management and other network systems.The end result is more engaged and happier customers on a better network.
Route 53
Amazon AWS