Spherior Details
Spherior is the business name of Norimasa Tochibayashi, Sole Proprietor and Business Operations Consultant on freelance basis.Spherior takes into account 3 key business factors; human capital, marketing and cash flow. Spherior's services focuses on the following 6 areas:1. Intellectual stocksSpherior provides intellectual stocks based on the business experties so that the client can utilize those knowldges and experiences quickly and directly to their business.Spherior also work with the client for their training program for their employees.2. WorkforceSpherior physically work with clients as well as advising them. Clients don't need to suffer from the lack of human resources.3. Direct profitable operationsSpherior has wide variety of partners and works flexibly without constraint since it is independent consultant. Spherior can offer the technical support in creating new online platform for sales which makes profits directly to the clients.4. Indirect profitable operationsDigital marketing is increased its significance for our business and that is one of the most competent areas of Spherior. To contribute to achieve the marketing goal for the client, Spherior propose the best solutions.5. Cash in-flow maximizationSpherior proposes the best and possible official fundraising schemes to the client with reasonable fees.6. Cash out-flow minimizaitonGrowing new technologies such as AI are the key to success in business. However, it seems complicated to employ those technologies to the business. Spherior support clients' efforts for digital transformation (DX) so that the clients cut their costs and optimize their business process in the future.
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