- Jonesboro, Georgia, US
Spine & Orthopedic Center's expert physicians and staff have been treating complex orthopedic conditions since 1980. Having a foundation in orthopedic surgery, Spine & Orthopedic Center physicians can effectively treat a myriad of complex orthopedic conditions . Our objective is to relieve our patients' pain by restoring functionality while improving their quality of life. At the foundation of our treatment plan is a core focus on the restoration of physical activities through rehabilitation. A core understanding of the musculoskeletal system is its entirety (bones, nerves, spinal cord, hip, shoulder and knee pathologies among many other musculoskeletal aliments) allows Spine & Orthopedic Center physicians to treat the entire spectrum of orthopedic conditions to include both surgical and non-surgical recommendations. Spine & Orthopedic Center physicians treat each patient individually making an accurate diagnosis and formulating a tailored treatment plan for each patient.