Political Organization - , ,
We are The People in that We object to a government that no longer represents Us. We object to human nature distorting our government so as to favor some at the expense of others while it grows bigger and more expensive. We object to mortgaging our grandkids into poverty, to passing laws for rich donors or interest group votes, to partisans screaming at each other while We just want to get on with it. We object to the path our great nation is on and We're not going to follow anymore!Spirit of 1787 is a nonprofit incorporated to 'not follow anymore' because it's way past time We The People took the lead. Leading means telling our politicians what they will do rather than listening to what they promise.There are three kinds of people. Most are sheep, as in We The Sheeple. They're content to be fed and herded until ... lamb chops. Some are wolves. They herd sheep, flatter sheep, tell sheep what they want to hear, buy sheep votes with someone else's money, eat sheep. A few are sheepdogs. They're just as dangerous as wolves but actually like sheep. They care what happens to sheep even when the sheeple don't get it. The political wolves gather in DC. We're sheepdogs. Look at 'The Plan' on http://LimitCongress.US for details on exactly how We'll correct America's course. Then decide: will you play an important role in America's future or are you along for the ride? Will you act or only complain in your impotence? Which are you - sheeple or sheepdog?