Financial Services - , ,
Evolve DeFi.Easy access to diversified, risk-adjusted DeFi yield. For your own portfolios and for your clients.Spool is permissionless and non-custodial middleware that allows banks, fintech, funds, exchanges, custodians, treasuries, and builders to earn DeFi returns in a fully composable manner. By removing the complexity of setting up and managing DeFi portfolios, Spool partners can deploy capital, with a single deposit, in diversified yield-generating strategies, as easy as investing in an ETF.Additionally, Spool allows you to build your own yield strategies and risk models with a few clicks. Portfolios are auto-rebalanced and capital is automatically compounded. Spool minimizes transaction costs, optimizes DeFi yields and brings DeFi risk management to the next level.With Spool, you get the most out of the DeFi market and can offer superior yield opportunities to your client base, as a cost-free white-labeled solution.Yield for the World. Fuel for DeFi.
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