- Delta, British Columbia, Canada
A STRONG VOICE FOR THE RECREATIONAL FISHERY FOR 40 YEARS. AN EVEN STRONGER VOICE FOR THE FUTURE.Since 1980 the Sport Fishing Institute of BC has represented the interests of 300,000 recreational anglers and related businesses to elected officials, management agency staff, other fishery sectors and the non-angling public. We have done this through lobbying, advocacy, collaboration, outreach, education and above all the ability to communicate our passion for the fishery, and its potential to provide positive benefits to Canadian businesses and families.Over the years many changes have occurred in the fishery and the state of the resource it depends on. Throughout its existence the SFI has been a consistent advocate for recreational anglers, speaking with a strong, clear voice to protect the interests of our members. Without these efforts, the fishery and the public's access to fishery resources would look very different than they do today.Looking ahead, the challenges we face continue to grow. Issues such as dwindling government resources, demonstrating the sustainability of our fishery through accurate catch accounting, and the push towards quota based fisheries have emerged to have potentially significant impacts on opportunities now and in the future. Allocation disputes, licensing and transport issues, and the lack of government understanding of the social and economic benefits generated by recreational fishing still persist, and require sustained effort and attention to ensure a bright future for the sport.Now more than ever, we need support and membership to face these challenges and to demonstrate a strong, unified and determined voice for the sport fishing community. Increased lobbying activity and advocacy require resources. Our experience, knowledge and commitment are recognized at all levels of government, but we need your help to carry the message to the decision makers who can make a difference.
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