Retail - Houston, Texas, United States
An immigrant by name of Leo May journeyed from Africa to America in 1982 in pursuit of education and training. With enthusiasm in Electronic Engineering Technology, he gave up his hard labor moving business, May's Professional Movers that he established 1982-1989 for his passion in the Espionage industry from 1990-till present.It all started after his school years, when one of his professors in college who was into ‘Home Security Monitoring' challenged his wit in research and development to go into finding out about how he could make a fortune in Surveillance industry.Hungry Leo May did not have a clue about Espionage as at that time. Without wasting time, he found a room in Houston major library for his adventure in espionage industry research. Within a short period of time, his tenacious research gave him a new page in surveillance business in the land of opportunity. This thirsty immigrant established In no time, adventurous self-taught Leo May was in the first page of the defunct Houston Post on Friday October 28, 1994. Within two weeks after the news, he was featured in Channel 13 prime news in Houston, Texas, followed by City Under Siege Houston TV, Channel 11 news, CNN and some major magazines. Now Spy Emporium is one of the most successful Spy Shops in the nation supplying the general public, retailers and government entities all around the world.
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Rackspace MailGun
Bootstrap Framework