Internet - Gurugram, Haryana, India
SRK Friends - Professional Internet group providing Consumer Centric Responsible Online Business Solutions which are easy to Seek , Reach, Keep & User Friendly. In addition to cyber services we also export Indian (India, Bharat/भारत, Bhārata, IN, IND) Handicrafts to global market. SRK Friends stands for: S = Seek-able - Visitor on the website should be able to seek information/product they are looking for – fast and easy - Online business has to be found on the Search Engines as 85% of the internet users use it to find information. R = Reachable - Reach to People as wide as possible to all the consumers irrespective of their educational level, physical, visual conditions or geographical location - Reach through every possible Connected Device irrespective of technology used, size or medium - Reach in-time – in Need. K = Keep-able - We have to make ourselves keep-able through great services, information or products - Fresh, on-time, accurate and useful content, service makes us credible and credibility provides us the power to keep our users and motivate users to return to us in need. Friends = Acquired relationships helps us grow and achieve our long terms OBJECTIVES - Friendship with consumers builds network of loyal and users spreading the word or TRUST - This can only be achieved through great service Responsible = Servicing our user with great sense of responsibility, taking steps to make them achieve more - Show your true responsible attitude towards society and people you live in - Show your user how they can benefit from us.