Research - Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
The SRS Consortium for Advanced Study in Dynamic Cooperative Games is a joint research initiative for advanced study in dynamic cooperation under the auspices of the Department of Business Administration of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Karelian Institute of Applied Mathematics Research of Russian Academy of Sciences and the Center of Game Theory of St Petersburg State University.The SRS Consortium is a joint research initiative for advanced study in dynamic cooperation under the auspices of the Department of Business Administration of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Karelian Institute of Applied Mathematics Research of Russian Academy of Sciences and the Center of Game Theory of St Petersburg State University.Game theory is one of the core subjects of decision sciences. To analyze decision making in an interactive environment, it draws on mathematics, statistics, economics, management science, political study and other disciplines. Theoretical research and applications in games are proceeding at increasing pace – in areas ranging from aircraft combat and missile control to market development, environmental planning, natural resources extraction, competition policy, negotiation techniques, capital accumulation, investment and inventory management. Cooperative games aim to achieve socially optimal and group-efficient solutions to decision problems involving strategic action.The requirement for the establishment of a genuine institution for advanced study in an academic field is the availability of world-leading expertise in the field. The recent ground-breaking work by members of the SRS Consortium established a generalized theorem for the derivation of analytically tractable subgame consistent solutions and made possible the rigorous study of dynamic stochastic cooperation. It becomes the foundation for further study in the field.