Individual & Family Services - , Nebraska, United States
MISSION SSCA Omaha's mission is to resettle refugees, provide programs to assist into their transition, and promote cultural, educational, social and economic development opportunities in their new communities. SSCA program participants establish a new life in Omaha, founded on the dignity of economic self-support and inclusion in opportunities which Americans enjoy. TO PURSUE THIS MISSION, SSCA OMAHA: • Provides programs and services to assist newcomers in becoming productive members of their new American communities • Provides advocacy and cross-cultural training to foster a greater understanding among newcomers and the wider community • Conducts outreach, education and volunteer activities to increase public awareness about refugees and refugee issues. History: SSCA Omaha was established by refugees for the express purpose of assisting those refugees who came after them to learn to work and live within their new culture, and to provide better lives for themselves and their families. SSCA Omaha was founded as Southern Sudan Community Association. SSCA Omaha currently employs refugees as well as former refugees, who thoroughly understand the assistance required, barriers to overcome, and problems to solve before a refugee can orientate and operate successfully within their new society. SSCA Omaha's programs fill in the gaps other mainstream agencies are not able to provide.
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