Food & Beverages - Portland, OR, United States
We bridge the gap between hunger and food security in Portland, Oregon. Our store and warehouse is located in the historic North Portland village of St. Johns, located near the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers.Since 1988 St. Johns Food Share, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, has been a member-owned, volunteer-powered food sharing community. We fight hunger by ensuring everyone has access to an adequate amount of affordable, nutritious food. We empower hundreds of North Portland families by providing fresh produce, dairy products, protein and staples, while keeping good food out of the waste stream.Each year we distribute over 300,000 pounds of food to families in St Johns, North and Northwest Portland, and across Metro Portland. Our sustainable, eco-friendly practices offer food security to hundreds of people each month.We are an Oregon Food Bank partner, and we are very active "urban gleaners," collecting healthy food at Portland grocery stores, food service companies, bakeries, convenience stores and restaurants. Some of the food we distribute may be near or at expiration date. St. Johns Food Share members pay just $30 per month per household, give 8 hours of work participation per month, and shop twice a week in our self-select grocery store. Excess food donations are distributed to other organizations in the community.St. Johns is one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Portland. It is home to whites, Blacks, Latinos, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans. 60% of residents are non-white, nearly 25% within the 97203 zip code live at or below the poverty line.
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