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Stallcart is an easy to use web application that helps people set up their very own ecommerce shop on the Internet with out requiring any technical knowledge. Stallcart is an end to end solution providing you with a web site, shop, email addresses, order management, marketing guides and most importantly support every step of the way when you need it.Don't take our word for it though, have a look what some of Stallcart's current customers are saying."I love what Stallcart is doing, offering a simple approach to building a website/gallery/store independent of the mainstream slog that's out there right now. Web companies are herding people with bells and whistles and I couldn't find what I was looking for. Stallcart has found that perfect balance of elegance and practical application." - Leeta Harding"I would recommend stallcart to everyone because its just so darn simple, it doesn't have to be complicated to have your own webpage and I guess that was part of the reason I never thought of starting one, it all seemed way too hard and expensive!" - Alyce Moschini"I don't have to rely on other people to do it for me and take ages, especially when my website is my biggest business tool. I can manage all of my orders very easily, which helps me stay organised and in control." - Kasia GrzesiakFor more information about Stallcart including how you can get your very own online store have a look at the website, or contact me at