Legal Services - Skopie, Qyteti i Shkupit, North Macedonia
Standardization Institute of the Republic of Macedonia - ISRM has been established as individual public institution, separating from the Bureau of Standardization and Metrology. The Law on Standardization regulates the goals and principles of the Macedonian national standardization, the ISRM Statute and its tasks, membership and its financing, preparation, adoption and publication of Macedonian national standards and their application. The ISRM Statute regulates the name, the seat and organization of ISRM, its activity, representation, bodies and their competences and responsibilities, rights and obligations of ISRM members, financing and other issues in relation to its operation. Pursuant to Article 73 of the Stabilization and Association Agreement concluded between the Republic of Macedonia and the European community and its countries, R. of Macedonia undertakes all necessary measures in order to speed up the development of the standardization as one of the pillars in the quality infrastructure, to support the participation in the work of the European standardization bodies (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, EA, WELMEC, EUROMED etc.) In March 2003, the membership in ISO was transferred from the Bureau of Standardization and Metrology to ISRM. ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) in December 2006, recognised ISRM as NSO. ISRM has became a full member in European standardization bodies CEN/CENELEC in July 2012.