Information Technology & Services - Surf City, New Jersey, United States
Stango Obsidian Alliance (SOA) is a small-business joint venture (JV) comprised exclusively of small businesses that include Stango and Associates, Inc; Obsidian Global, LLC; Plotnick Consulting, LLC; JPerkins Services, Inc.; and Run Consultants, LLC. SOA was founded exclusively for the 6 year, $846M Army ERP Services IDIQ contract vehicle, and is a powerful small business with access to vast SAP ERP resources. SOA currently brings experience with full life-cycle ERP implementations and sustainment services for Army ERP solutions to AESIP, GCSS-Army, GFEBS, LMP, PLM+ and many other DoD and commercial SAP ERP programs. Our firm currently has over 100 highly qualified personnel working collaboratively on AESIP, GCSS-Army, LMP, GFEBS, Navy ERP, and other Federal programs. Since 2000, our firm has delivered the top SAP ERP talent to Army ERP Programs. Large businesses including Accenture, IBM, CSC, SAIC, and Northrop Grumman consistently turn to our Alliance members to provide top-level talent for the Army ERP Programs.