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"Starr has learned the ropes and effectively communicates. In this time of tight budgets for school systems, parents will need to fight to get free appropriate public education for their special-needs children. This is a right guaranteed in federal law, but school districts are not giving it away and often must be pressed to do the right thing. Seek Starr's representation to help your child get the education and services that he or she deserves."\– Jeff Goldenberg, Parent, L.A., CA\\Starr Taxman holds a B.S.B.A. from Indiana University and an M.B.A. from The University of Southern California. She is a mother of three. One of her sons has Tourette Syndrome and the other son has Autism and ADHD. Starr has spent years researching education choices and her pioneering work can assist parents in obtaining the best education for their children.\\Starr's primary professional goal is helping children with special-needs to be comfortable ‘in their own skin'.\\Starr has worked for Fortune 100 companies before dedicating her life and work to special-needs children and their parents. She is extremely well respected for her ability to determine the needs of her client and to find the most suitable solution.