Government Administration - Skopje, Greater Skopje, North Macedonia
The State Statistical Office is specialised and independent organisation within the state administration in the Republic of North Macedonia. The basic functions of the institution are collecting, processing and disseminating statistical data about the demographic, social and economic situation of the Macedonian society. Besides that, the State Statistical Office is the primary bearer and coordinator of the statistical system of the country, the responsible institution for international cooperation in the field of statistics, for defining the statistical methodologies and standards, as well as for providing protection of the individual data collected from individual persons and legal entities. The State Statistical Office is realising its activity in accordance to the Law on State Statistics (1997, 2007, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018) together with the other participants in the statistical system of the country defined in the Programme for Statistical Surveys (2018-2022). Official statistics is produced in accordance to the principles of impartiality, expert independence, objectivity, rationality and individual data protection. The strategic objectives and the basic values are defined in the Strategic Plan, 2018-2020 and according to this document the vision of the State Statistical Office is to be recognised as an institution that provides quality, timely and internationally comparable statistical data. Expert and advisory body of the state statistics is the Statistical Council . The Council members are appointed by the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia. The State Statistical Office will gladly accept the opinions and suggestions ( by the friends of the Macedonian statistics in order to improve the availability of statistical data.