Government Administration - , South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Statistics and Quality Management Laboratory is one of several practicum-based teaching laboratory of Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University that focuses on the use of statistical methods in solving problems, especially those related to the manufacturing or service industry, the relationship between variables, and quality management. The practicum contained in this laboratory is Perancangan Teknik Industri 1 (PTI 1). This practicum contains 4 modules that all students must pass, namely:1. Descriptive Statistics2. Inference Statistics3. Quality Management4. Structural Equation ModelingLecturer (Expert)1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Syamsul Bahri, M. Si., IPU2. Armin Darmawan, ST., MT3. Ir. Nadzirah Ikasari S, ST ,. MT4. Kifayah Amar, ST. M. Sc., Ph. D