Warehousing/Logistics - N/A, N/A, NL
We educate worldwide. We provide and migrate prime knowledge for the national and international maritime and logistics cluster in a sustainable and innovative way in order to bring people, institutions and companies to a higherlevel of education. STC International is part of STC Group. We offer and transfer first class knowledge via education, training, consultancy and applied science. Worldwide we do so by using the latest evidence-based techniques and methods within the whole of STC Group. We act accordingly in a number of countries. We are present in and serving the continents of Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. We envision to expand.Making a successful reality out of the five founding pillars we aim to do the following and do it well: 1. Standards of excellenceEmbedding courses within STC International into nationally and internationally recognized standards of excellence.• Getting accredited for national and international standards of educational excellence and making a strategic choice which standards we want to comply with.• Also setting national and international standards excellence in fields where there are no standards yet. Always acting at the forefront of development. • This will differ per country. We customize our propositions and our lasting presence according to local demand. Branding, labelling, framing and marketing are important tools in this regard. The whole of which can and shall also support us in determining what strategic choices we make locally.2. Worldwide human capital• Products: we shall facilitate human capital development worldwide by setting up training facilities via public and private partnerships. We will be evaluating and upgrading those based on standards set internationally or by STC International (Plan-Do-Check-Act).• We shall invest in capacity and knowledge development of our pool of well-establishededucators worldwide. 3. Innovative development We apply the latest findings in education, teaching and consultancy to our activities.• We will actively acquire more information and knowledge on a global scale. We will interconnect more with activities of several departments of STC Group. We will tap into (knowledge) networks and will make the latest techniques and insights our own and available to all of our internationally based education and consultancy departments.• We actively share the acquired, developed and gained information and knowledgewith departments of STC Group.• We shall increase our awareness of global market needs and opportunities in the different sectors and regions where STC International is present or where our presence is imperative.• Marketing projects. Among other cutting edge tools of marketing and publicity we shall organize seminars on a regular basis to showcase the innovative products of STC International and to make our presence known.4. Public & private partnerships• We will carefully maintain and build on public and private partnerships worldwide.• We shall further optimize and develop cross input from both the public and the private sector.5. Global network• We will maintain and enhance our current global network of relations and presence.• Through this global network we shall enlarge and expand our presence by finding strategic partners in fully grown, mature markets (for example the USA or Japan). We aim to play an active role in setting up joint ventures or other innovative ways of doing business together.STC International focuses on three business priorities:1. Ownership of international education and training centers, centers of excellence and consultancy companies;2. Management of international companies education- and training centers and consultancy companies;3. International business development through agencies.
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