Think Tanks - , ,
The Stellenbosch Theological Institute (STI) is an academic think-tank and institution that aims to provide a platform for tertiary education and research that is Bible-based, academically excellent, and culturally relevant. We seek to develop leaders with the competence, character, and courage to engage their cultures in a constructive way and make a positive difference in society. STI is an initiative of the Federation of Confessing Anglicans, Shofar Christian Church and The Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life. The main aims of the programme are to: - Enable students to use their understanding of the Bible to engage constructively with a variety of cultural contexts. - Enable students to reflect on their learning and life experiences and relate them cricially to the Bible and modern scholarship. - Enable students to use sound research to develop continuously improving Christian practice. - Develop and sharpen cognitive and practical skills for use in personal and professional contexts. - Habituate students as lifelong learners and courageous communicators.