Music - , Michigan, United States
Short Description: Packaging for Fine MusicLong description: After years of patient study and delving into the dusty record of the past, as well as following modern experiments in the realms of medical science, Mr. Christopher J. Tobias and Mr. Bryan R. Martin make the startling announcement that they have discovered the elixir of life; that they are able, with the aid of a mysterious compound soon to be know to the world, produced as a result of the years they have spent preparing this brand-saving boon to cure any and every disease that is know to musicians. There is no doubt of these good men's earnestness in making their claim and the remarkable cures that they are daily effecting seem to bear them out very strongly. Their theory which they advance is one of reason and based on sound experience in design and branding practice over many years.Some of their cures cited are very remarkable, and but for satisfied and reliable witnesses would hardly be credible. The lame have thrown away crutches and walked about after two or three trials of the elixir. The sick brands, given up by most, have been restored to a more glorious state than previous. Rheumatism, neuralgia, stomach, heart, liver, kidney, blood, and skin diseases and bladder troubles disappear as by magic. Headaches, backaches, nervousness, fevers, consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, and all affections of the the throat, lungs, or any vital organs are easily overcome in a space of time that is simply marvelous.Partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, dropsy, gout, scrofula, and piles are quickly and permanently removed. It purifies the entire system, blood and tissues, restores normal nerve power, circulation, and a state of perfect health is produced at once. To Tobias & Martin all musicians are equally affected by this "Stereotonic." Send for the remedy today. State what you want to be cured of, and the sure remedy for it will be concocted straightaway.