Computer Software - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
STOA is a Sydney based mobile development consultancy, working with a variety of clients across the globe, from small startup companies to big corporates. The focus is on expert guidance and advice on mobile solutions across different mobile platforms. STOA specialises in providing in depth code and mobile application audits that assist its clients with independent analyses on the current solution, in terms of code architecture, security, progress, and more. For the applications that are in concept and the development has not yet commenced, STOA analyzes and assesses the technical viability of new product or feature, captures clients' requirements, and creates a blueprint for development team that is both, most cost effective, and technically and architecturally sound. STOA can also provide clients with project leading services, which is a great way to gain perspective and control over the project by having an independent ‘bridge' between the clients and the agency, including the freelancers doing the development.