Publishing - Morisset, New South Wales, Australia
Storyweaver is an indie games company that specializes in off-the-wall role-playing games and modules for popular titles such as Savage Worlds and Rapture: The End of Days. All of our game designers and writers have been gamers for too many years now, as our long-suffering families will tell you. This means we know what makes a great game – action and adventure are not enough. You need plot quirks, and funky characters with lashings of emotional intrigue. And that's what we deliver. Like you, we also want to get right into the action right away. This is why every product we produce is game ready: you not only get a great adventure or role-playing game ruleset… you get beautiful character sheets and profiles, gorgeous battle-maps, game tokens, and player handouts that will leave your friends gasping for breath. Many of our products include multimedia elements - soundscapes, audio calls, iPad ready files and more.
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Mailchimp Mandrill
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