Management Consulting - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Strata's connects the intangible efforts of Brand to tangible financial business results.And when we say Brand, this includes Corporate Reputation, something that is assessed and deemed critical in every annual report and yet, lacks the same accounting rigor as tangible assets.With over 80% of the S&P 500's value attributable to intangible assets, it is paramount that businesses find better ways to measure their efficacy. However business and brand measurement practices are done in silos, creating a barrier for more accurate analysis and business forecasting. Brand metrics do not include financial quantification and only measure Marketing's impact. As Brand Economists, we take an industry- and enterprise-wide approach to assess all resources affecting brand performance. Not just marketing but also sales, finance, operations, HR, distribution, investor relations and customer care. We pair non-financial metrics with financial metrics to explain business results, connecting investment to perceptions, perceptions to behavior, and behavior to financial outcomes.We developed a rigorous scientific methodology for calculating, benchmarking, tracking and predicting ROI on all brand investments, aptly named Brand EconomicsTM.This is just a sample of what we can answer:1. Provide statistically-based insights as to how Brand is impacting your bottom line.2. Quantify the financial upside and downside to various Brand investments.3. Measure how influential marketing is versus other organizational activities that impact Brand.4. Calculate the speed and return of brand investments to improve forecasting and manage performance expectations internally and among shareholders.For more information visit
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