Marketing & Advertising - Vienna, Vienna, Austria
dear Business Partner, Investor, Representative, please contact us here, also on facebook, Telegram, Signal, Zoom, Google Meet, r on skype: (IT IS FREE!)STREET TV - Group in Vienna has started the TOP PROJECT-WORLDWIDE! Now we're looking for reputable Investors & Business Angel that helps us to buy the LED video screen-Manufacture and install ~60 LED video screen-systems/year to STREET TV (through our second Company + 20% surcharge).In this case STREET TV could quickly install each of our LED video screen-systems in existing ~40 Top Locations, in all city centers, worldwide, and put them into operation!As soon as each LED video screen-system is into operation, we will set up a branch office (branch manager) in this city, and so on:LED video screen (6 m² - 10,000 m² and larger:Turnover in the first year: ~50,000 € x ~24 advertising customers = ~1.2 ml € x 60 top locations = ~72.0 ml € up to ~100.0 ml € (max. Turnover: up to 1.8 ml €/top location/year).Company value in the first year of operation: ~400.0 ml up to 500.0 ml €!Company value within the first 3 years: ~1.4 Billion € to ~1,8 Billion € = START UP-UNICORN! Not only 1 top location/city is desired,but we will select min. 3 highly frequented places/city!Planned expansion within the next 3-5 years:~ 30 top locations in Vienna and Austria, incl. min. 3 branche offices.~ 30 top locations in Istanbul and Turkey, incl. min. 3 branche offices.~ 60 top locations in Italy, incl. min. 3 branche offices.~ 60 top locations in Germany, incl. min. 3 branche offices.~ 60 top locations in all Balkan countries, incl. min. 3 branche offices.~ 60 top locations in various countries outside Europe, incl. min. 3 branche offices.For better live communication, also for conferences, please connect to skype: Nicola Teti, COO at STREET TV Media GmbHor onTelegram: