Internet - , , the future of social shoppingBrowse more than 75,000 offers available daily, & share them with your friends in a private, trusted environment.How it Works is a trusted environment for users and their friends to earn rewards while shopping and sharing with deals, discounts and offers they discover and enjoy every day. On-site activity is never tracked, tagged or targeted, so users can enjoy a quiet, natural and authentic experience with friends without the negative consequences of sharing elsewhere on the web. FriendingUsers can invite friends to follow them, and the offers they've selected for themselves that they know their friends will enjoy. With each redemption by a friend, that user's Bark Score™ and Influence Ratio™ are increased. Users compete with friends they are following and those who are following them. Activity is rewarded for users' loyalty to their friends and to us! Barking™Every registered user receives a personal mybarkpage ( when they join the community. This is a special page where users can privately share ("bark™") offers they've found for themselves. These pages are then assembled into Collars™ where referred offers can easily be searched, screened and selected by trusted friends from their homepage friend follow list. Those friends redeem what they want, when they want it. No Push. Strongbark is simply a better way to share.™
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