- , California, United States
Structure based Design, Inc (SBD) provides gene-to-lead integrated drug discovery services and engages in novel drug discovery partnerships. We specialize in protein production, protein structure determination, assay development, structure-based drug design (SBDD), and fragment-based drug design (FBDD) to support lead discovery and optimization. We have worked on over 80 different drug discovery projects and solved hundreds of co-crystal structures for our clients and for internal projects since our inception in 2007. We are conveniently located in San Diego and provided unparalleled scientific support. We have accelerated first-in-class drug discovery efforts using structure-based design approaches, shaving years and millions of dollars off compound development. Drug discovery programs supported by our work have resulted in more than ten clinical stage compounds for our clients.Service PackageSBD's services are milestone based & customer driven. We have flexible service packages that we adapt to meet your research goals. All of our packages include bi-weekly progress updates:Service package I: Crystals & StructuresCrystallize target protein provided by clientDetermine apo-crystal and co-crystal structureStructure analysis, deliver resultsService package II: Protein & Co-crystal StructuresDesign construct, express, purify, and crystallize target.Determine co-crystal structures with one to ten ligandsAnalyze structures and present resultsService package III: High-Throughput Crystal StructuresConstruct design, large scale protein purification at SBDHigh throughput co-crystallization.Determine 20-30 co-crystal structures to fully support a client's drug discovery process.Service Package IV: Early Lead Development PartnershipConstruct design, large scale protein purificationHigh throughput co-crystallizationDetermine co-crystal structures to fully support medicinal chemistry and compound optimization.Activity assays, cell-based assays, binding affini
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