Education Management - Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium
All programmes, faculties and departments from the university are represented in the Student Council. This way we can carry a widely supported point of view. These representatives gather often to meet and discuss to make sure this way the voice of the students of the University of Antwerp is heard. Besides that the Student Council also works to improve the studentparticipation within the University of Antwerp and wants to support the studentrepresentatives within each faculty and program.This council makes sure that the interests of the students of the University of Antwerp are defended on higher levels by sending student representatives to the Association Student Council Antwerp (ASRA), The Antwerp Student Consultation (ASO), the Association University and colleges of Antwerp (AUHA) and the Flemish Association of Students (VSS).On an international level, we also participatie in the YUFE-alliance: Young Universities for the Future of Europe.We are here to help all students. We defend the interests of our students. If you have any questions or problems regarding your professors, your courses, your examinations, etc. feel free to contact us. Together we will find a solution.Please know we have an international contact for you. So all your questions can be answered in English. You can reach us by e-mail: