Architecture & Planning - , Scotland, United Kingdom
Studio Pop [] is a social design clinic that develops activities of applied research, technological development (R&D) and social innovation systemically connecting design, science and ecology through creative, participatory and user-centred projects. Systemically it links creative industries, the environment and ITC in various fields of science, technology, arts and humanities; in sync with the principles of Sustainable Development (SDGs) of the United Nations, the New Urban Agenda Habitat III and the Design Principles of UNICEF. STUDIO POP makes green spaces in cities. We design, play and remake through eco-designs, community gardens, cohousing and DIY workshops. We work in Europe and worldwide. The Studio Pop's aims are: 1. Design ecological and nature-based solutions that include ecology, architecture, landscape, urban planning, eco-design and participatory social design and public art2. Offer advanced consultancies and applied research in the areas of urban regeneration, ecological design (management & development of innovative products), circular economy, citizen science, adaptability to climate change, digital culture and social technologies, remanufacturing and creative reuse of waste.3. Improve research culture and innovation capabilities by implementing innovative applications, methods, tools or developments and making new materials, products, processes or production systems.4. Develop, monitor and evaluate tests of social design, urban, architectural, technological and scientific projects with high design that include consultancy; reports; qualitative and quantitative data analysis; scientific and professional publications; design tools; social licenses; consultations, clinics and open demos; studies, maps and cartographies; models, experiments and prototypes; and technical, industrial or commercial validation of products / services.