Writing & Editing - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
A day may come when machine translation eliminates all need for translators, but until then, we all have jobs to do. As a group of technologically adaptive professionals with backgrounds in various industries, our collective passion for translation forms one of the strongest translation networks connecting North America with China. Most translation agencies work with a multitude of language pairs, we only focus on one: English Chinese. Like restaurants with small but well-crafted menus, this is the only language pair we work with. If you are looking for help in other language pairs, we would gladly refer you to partners we know to be excellent service providers in those languages. Cutting ties to areas that we do not hold expertise in, we have invested all of our resources in creating the most professional and technologically up-to-date translation processes in the following five areas: · Business, Finance, and Commerce · Law & Compliance · Medicine & Medical Research · Software & Computer Science · Education & Academic MaterialsThis list is likely to expand as our team develops, but similarly, if you are looking for help in other areas, let us know and we will point you in the right direction.
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