Telecommunications - Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands
Shift is the 2018 installment of the study tours organized by study association Inter-/Actief/ of the University of Twente. Study tours are organized every two years, with previous destinations including the Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the United States, Brazil, India and China. During a study tour, the participants visit companies, universities and undertake cultural trips in the destination countries. In preparation of the study tour, the participants take courses and perform research within the scope of Shift's theme; Cyber Physical Infrastructure. Shift will leave for Japan and South Korea in the fall of 2018.JAPANJapan is the third largest national economy in the world. They have a large industrial sector, famous for its motor vehicles and electronics. They rank second among the most innovative countries in the world and are a world leader in fundamental scientific research.As a highly technological and innovative country, Japan is at the forefront the developments regarding Shift's theme, cyber-physical infrastructure. While Japan's railway network might be the most famous due to the bullet trains, interesting cyber-physical infrastructure challenges can also be found in their 178 airports, five ‘super container' ports and their automotive industry, which was the biggest in the world until China overtook Japan only recently.SOUTH KOREAAs one of the four Asian tigers, South Korea is a wealthy high-tech industrialised developed country with an economy that grew at an annual average of 10% for over 30 years. Today, it is the seventh largest advanced economy driven by a highly educated and skilled workforce.Internationally known for companies like Samsung and LG, South Korea's economy is the global leader of consumer electronics, mobile broadband and smartphones. The country's innovative culture ensures their presence in the innovation of their infrastructure, both physical and digital.The committe consists of the following members:Syste Hartvelt (Chairman)Olaf Haalstra (Treasurer)Joeri Kock (Travel Coordinator)Diederik Bakker (Travel Coordinator)Jasper Sustronk (External Affairs)Hans van der Laan (External Affairs)Aron van Harten (Research Coordinator)The study tour will depart in the fall of 2018. For more information, see or