E-learning - Los Angeles, California, United States
Studytracks is an evolution in in exam preparation. Using proven principles, we put the core syllabus to original music allowing students to quickly study then easily recall information in a much shorter period. Truly a study anywhere and everywhere app for the new generation. Studytracks is available for in the US for Math, English, Science and more. It's also available in France for College (Brevet) and Lycée (Bac) covering Science to Histoires.Student and Teachers can use Studytracks on any platform and integrates with Google for Education and Clever.Winner of Educational Resources Awards - Start-Up of the Year 2017 "Described as is a completely innovative concept that was a clear winner in the Start-Up Business of The Year category, Study Tracks provides an alternative solution to traditional methods of study and has the potential to significantly engage generation Z by tapping into their technology orientated life styles."
1&1 Hosting
Mailchimp Mandrill
Google Apps