Internet - Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Choosing exactly what to visit during a city trip can sometimes be extremely challenging, particularly when you are planning to visit a city you have never been to before. Information about sights on the internet or in guide books can be helpful, but they both have one big issue; you don't know exactly what is still current, and what is outdated. Suggestme begun out of frustration with static and outdated city maps. Suggestme now offers users the opportunity to create their own personalized city maps using real-time information taken from social media. To avoid the dreaded static and outdated information, a filter has been developed that filters sights taken from social media for quality and relevance. On the basis of comments on Facebook, Foursquare, and Twitter, these sights are ranked according to popularity. Therefore, when the weather is good, it is likely that more parks and outside activities are shown, and on cold days, inside activities such as museums. The user has the opportunity to select all their favorite sights and transport these on to a city map. The result is a personalized city map created with real-time information. Through the clever use of social media, the data is always of the moment, and the user can make selections of the most exciting sights to their own taste. With a completely personal tailor-made city map, the traveler is no longer a tourist, and can live and breathe the ultimate experience.
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