Environmental Services - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
This initiative aims to create a Google Map – like interface to track the number and location of dirty sites and garbage dumps across the city. Information is collected through the method of crowd-sourcing using a mobile phone application on Android, allowing multiple people to collect information at the same time. Collecting the information is as simple as taking a photograph through one's smart phone tagging the location, providing the contributors name and sending the data to the BBMP or the relevant local authority. The application allows for collecting information on not just dirty sites but also pot holes, authorized and unauthorized dumping sites and other impediments creating a public nuisance.A platform with a map view provides a comprehensive view with red depicting dirty sites and green depicting clean. The map-like platform makes the application interactive and provide views of a locality, city, state or country, enabling active citizens to also pitch in and track progress of clean up initiatives. The initiative envisions that these features enable volunteers to organize public clean up drives and activism in local areas. Success can also be celebrated with a before-after photograph of the dirty area. The website have a default Google Map with a real time update of garbage dumps and also have a timeline and news-feed of latest activities or events.Once the initiative spreads, the Application will also be able to rank cities on cleanliness on the basis of green (clean areas) and red (dirty areas) credits and allow city authorities to commit to cleaning up localities on the basis of converting red credits to green.The initiative makes provisions for organizing public events as well as popularizing the mission among the youth through social media and provides milestones in terms of number of dirty sites that will be marked.Website: www.swachhmap.comPlay Store Link: bit.ly/swachhmapApple App Store Link: bit.ly/swachhmap-ios