Computer Games - San Francisco, California, United States
SwapGaming is an in-game item trading system that is powered by Swapdom Inc. ( and links to your Valve's Steam account. SwapGaming started with Dota 2 but will soon add other games and enable swapping within and across game inventories. SwapGaming was built for gamers to make it easier to swap in-game items.Gamers simply state their requests and offers, then submit their offered items in escrow. Swapdom Inc.'s algorithm locates swaps among all player requests, and once a swap is found, the in-game items automatically change hands. Cancel your swaps at any time and your items are returned to your in-game inventory.Our recommendation engine makes things easier by suggesting what you can get for your items and what to offer for the items you request.There is no need to find each other online, no negotiation, and no checking of others' reputations in order to make trades. Thus, SwapGaming removes language barriers so players anywhere in the world can exchange items.SwapGaming is a venture-funded company and was built by senior executives in gaming and technology. Our team has built swapping systems across industries and wanted to do something to help gamers and make trading more fun.Contact us at and tell us what you think and how we can make the system better.
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