Civil Engineering - , ,
We are glad to introduce ourselves as Distributors of CIPY POLYURETHANES PVT. LTD., who are the pioneers in the field of Polyurethane and Epoxy Industrial flooring systems for over a decade? Cipy has been awarded ISO 9001 certification by DNV, Holland and Cipy is probably the first company in floor toppings to get thiscoveted certification. Cipy being an ISO 9001 certified company is the only company who offer 3 grades offloor toppings:Pure Epoxy system, Pure PU system & EPU systemThe EPU Floorkote monolithic layer is a flexible combination of Epoxy-PU, which, with chemical resistantaggregates, delivers the toughest performance in the most aggressively abused areas and providesscientifically superior polymer hybrid technology, engineered for excellence in surface protection as wellas decoration. EPU, the first to offer in India, has the unique combination of properties such as hardness& adhesion (from epoxies) and abrasion resistance & flexibility (from PU)