Internet - Toronto, N/A, CA
Not all clicks are created equal, the best clicks in life are FREE! In a nutshell, we find advertisers willing to collaborate with our firm in offering sweepstakes, free stuff, contests, risk free product trials, gift rewards, and so much more in order to connect with and engage our audience culture, creating value between our members from Canada + the USA, and advertisers in kind; all the while providing for a positive brand experience with no strings attached and no purchases required -- all free -- all the time, while adhering to the ideals of business etiquette and principles of trust. The network offers advertising units and marketing derivatives for data capture and traffic generation. With the empowering nature of technology, the network lends itself to a commitment to the community and value creation. Ad serving is seamless, through a run of network properties segmented into targeted audience management and behavioral intentions. Channels will include different demographic, geographic, psychographic and cultural niches within.
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