Financial Services - Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
A WEALTH OF FUND PROVIDERSAs one of Swiss Fund Platform Ltd.'s clients you will have access to a considerable number of highprofilefund providers and stand to benefit from trailer fees. We are constantly negotiating new cooperationagreements with fund providers in addition to maintaining our existing agreements. You will thushave access to a comprehensive and up-to-the-minute fund universe.A UNIQUE DISTRIBUTION NETWORKSwiss Fund Platform Ltd. maintains a valuable network of placement partners that is constantly beingexpanded. As a fund provider, you and your products will enjoy immediate and unrestricted access toa first-class distribution channel throughout Switzerland.TRAILER FEESAs one of Swiss Fund Platform Ltd.'s clients, you automatically benefit from trailer fees negotiated inthe cooperation agreements with the fund providers. We take complete responsibility for collecting yourtrailer fees and credit them to you at a half-yearly interval. You are spared the time and effort of havingto keep track of a barrage of incoming payments from a variety of sources and with only 2 paymentsper annum, the collection procedure is simple and transparent
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